
Monday, November 12, 2007

Show me the way to go home - by Dublin Bus

A strike or is it just a picket that no one will cross at Harristown over the changes in rostering involved in the new 4A and 128 services from Dublin Bus.

So ,what is it all about? Well, that is kind of hard to find out in any great detail. It seems some what digging about I've been able to do that Dublin Bus wants some of the drivers to clock in at Harristown but to actually start their shifts on the buses in Dublin city centre, which is not that much of a problem except that they must get into the city in 45 minutes and it will be their "ass in a sling" or at the very least their responsibility for any failure of the buses to keep to their timetables. So how does a person get from Harristown to the city centre in 45 minutes? Buses? Some chance. Basically, they will have to be clocking in at Harristown well in advance when of they need to simply to make sure they get into the city. So why one wonders have the requirement of having to go to Harristown at all?

Siptu tell us some things about the dispute but again not that much of the meat of the issue.

God help us it's not like the NBRU are trying to keep up to date with what is going on.

And Dublin Bus aren't giving much away other than telling folks what the impact is.


siptu said...

fucken management is can you go to city by 45 8.45 time it takes 1hour 30 munits to go to city center..

siptu said...

I am a driver of harristown. I was given duty to do 4A in which i suppose to report in garrage by 8.45am and start my work from pernell square at 9.30 am. i leave 16 miles away from my garage. to do my duty i start 7.15 am to garage which end up 9.00am to reach ( as i am already late) if i had come in time and report in garage by 8.45 then i would take another 10/15 munites to get the bus all togather it will be 9.00 am. just use your sense.....from harristown to city center how will you go there by 30 would have beeen easy for us if we get airlingus from dulin airport.......the management always comes up with something just before cristmass time.... they knows we have to pay our mortgage and for cristmass no one will go for strike......another thing management gives away 500 euros to permanent drivers as a bonus just before giving this things they want to push anything for the tell you that harristown drivers are very united if you compare with all other garages....from spare drivers to permanent drivers we are all united...
management wanted to devide drivers by saying that who ever starts from 01/01/2007 only they will have to do that 4A and 128 routes......other drivers who are appointed before thet they will not get this duties.and after 3 years all other routes will be start break and finish in town by having openion from trade union and marked in drivers on the route.
on this point i shall have to tell that ones they put those 4A and 128 in the garage after that they will put issue that if 4A and 128 can break in town than why not the other routes....and they will implement those routes just before cristmass to get away from the drivers to go for strike again....

we are told that these new route will come in april,07.....and we have waited 8 months to get this routes.accually they waited for the cristmass to came and started their action.from april to november we had around 6 time ballots for these routes.....every time we rejected it just because of start, break and finsh in town.

now in the conclutin i want to tell you the most inteesting thing......grange castle garage will open in 2years in which cunnigham, ringsend and most prob, summerhill garrage will do their servise in that garage.Management wants that garage to brak in town ( 11to 15 miles away from town, near Clondalkin)all the routes so they pointed to harristown first.they think if we are successful to put these routes to harristown then those garages who will join in grange castle in 2 years they have to beake in town as because they will show example of harristown.....

we know lots of people is suffering but just think one time is it tallerable to get bullied by the management...we did not have any other options......

managements have dinner with the labour court management....recomondation oviously will go for the manage ment.

labour court called all the union to talk....main rep of harristown garage of nbru Hugin , Rory was not invited in that meeting..other officials of nbru went to the meeting and at the end of the meeting they did not want to say what was the impact from the siptu is telling as well , the problem will not be solved by getting help from other garages.....i think they have well treated by the management now that make them to back up from the real issue.......thats how they are making money......we pay every week to the union to talk for us...and what they do? get treated and leave the drivers behind.....

Unknown said...

siptu, I'm basically saying that the union is doing a poor job of explaining what the situation is and what the changes management are proposing will alter about that situation. Some more detail on the NBRU or SIPTU sites would help.